Featured Hunting Lease Tract
Periodically we will feature some of our favorite hunting lease tracts we have worked with in the past or work with now. Monitor the website member pages for hunting lease tracts to be new or open throughout the year! Also visit our YouTube Channel to get an idea of what hunting lease lands we work. Please check out our different Membership levels, Format and Function Here.
So Many Currently Open Hunting Leases we will Feature 3 at this time!
Fulton, Kentucky 275 $11,000 LIKELY Make no mistake that between the woods, crops, crp and ponds on site this is one of the best hunting lease and aerials you will ever see in any state! This area is well know for Deer, Turkey and of course the water for fishing and occasional waterfowl!
Ross, Ohio 96 $6,000 LUCKY Look at this hunting lease in one of the Top 3 counties in Ohio for hunting lease demand. This has woods and a pond for fishing with lots of crops in the area. It also adjoins land that is off limits to hunting by regulation per the owner. Some recent logging so ready for food plots and trails!
Lake, Tennessee 100 $3,800 LUCKY Look at this awesome open hunting lease in West Tennessee. Awesome Deer, Turkey, Fishing and Waterfowl options on this diverse hunting lease!
Switzerland, IN 100 $3,900 LUCKY Owners are on site and very secure. Great area with lots of crops, scrub woods, big woods, powerline cut. Watch the Video Here! Also has past Cam/Harvest Pics.
Merk Farms Hunting
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