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Current Insider Blog VideosWelcome and Personal Background. appx. 20 mins
Where should you hunt at? appx. 20 mins
Wild and Fraudulent Hunters. appx. 30 mins
Tract Rating System Explained appx. 15 mins
In a world of digital scams it is easy to see that I am not. I have been hunting for over 30 years and I have been helping hunters gain hunting land access for 10 years. Almost each day I get an email asking if this website and my mission is a scam. Easily see my weekly updates (best I can with 4 kids and more going on). Highlights include a general discussion of the week, and open tract I really like and as always just a lot of general knowledge of this market. Check out the Video Podcast NOW! Please send in your questions or topic subjects!!!
Know What I Know!Do you want to know where you should be looking for hunting land at? Either with my company or another website? Are you wondering what is going on with pricing for hunting land access? Curious to hear horror stories of bad hunter behavior we have experienced? Want to understand our website and processes better? Do you want to know detailed analysis of a current open tract that we really like? Want to hear about an unpublished tract deal, i.e. price reduction not on the website? These topics and more are covered on a continuing basis with my Inside Video Blog. Check it out!
Send me your questions!
Please be sure to email questions or topics you would like for me to weigh in on in the future. Collectively you have way more thoughts, ideas and questions so please send them in and I'll post what ones I address and when! E-Mail Me HERE!
Merk Farms Hunting
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